Wednesday 2 April 2014

Haunted House

There was a old black gate . I pushed the gate open and I walked down the path . I stared at the damaged dwelling  . I finally got to the house . I saw a old porch with nails sticking out of the wood  . I opened the door.....                                                                                                      

I saw old furniture , ripped chairs and couches. I heard rats, mice and cats.I saw an old stair   case , I started to walk to the stairs with a red carpet 

I walked on the stair case ,it creaked as I put each foot on the steps . I saw a hole in the stair . I saw a door at the top of the stars . It had a  big  golden handle . I put my little hand hand on the sticky handle . I opened the door . I saw clothes moving around the  room . I saw glowing red eyes and then I saw gray dog and the dog fell down the stairs . Some boards broke where the dog was standing .......

I ran down the stairs and then I Jumped the hole on the ground . I ran out door and down the twisty turning path and the Gate was Jammed. I sqeezed through the gate.